Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck

Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck
Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck

Fundraiser for Kolby Schmuck



Please show your support for Kolby and his family by purchasing a t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt to help with medical expenses due to a car accident.

The T-shirt and sweatshirt are unisex! Check out the size chart in the images. If you’d like a women’s fit, just shoot us an email at, and we’ll be happy to help!

All orders must be received by December 1st

Local pick-up at Side Ways, Boar’s Nest and Whiskey Ranch on December 7th OR you can opt to pay shipping for home delivery.

Pick-up times on Dec. 7th:
11 AM - 1 PM  Whiskey Ranch
12 PM - 4 PM  Boar's Nest
6 PM - 8 PM Side Ways

Orders can be picked up at any location throughout the day. If you have a preferred location, please select it to assist us in efficiently sorting the orders.

All proceeds will be donated to the family of Kolby Schmuck